Shopify SEO Mistakes and How to Do it Right

5 Shopify SEO Mistakes and How to Do it Right

Over the past two or so years, Shopify has seen a 71% increase in the number of online stores that have opened on its platform. This is great news for the minds behind Shopify who are seeing a huge increase in revenue, but how are things going for Shopify sellers?

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Shopify does provide sellers with a number of easy-to-use tools and a built-in customer base to take advantage of. However, there are still steps each seller can and should take to boost online traffic and sales.

Today, we’re going to talk about Shopify SEO. You’re missing some key opportunities if you’re not using SEO strategies when building and expanding your Shopify website.

5 Shopify SEO Mistakes and How to Do it Right

What are the five most common mistakes we see with SEO for Shopify? Read on to find out.

1. Not Using Keywords Based on User Habits

Even if you know very little about SEO, you have probably at least heard other web builders talking about keywords. Keyword research allows you to see how people are searching for products like the ones you sell. If you’re not using high-ranking keywords in your listings, you’re missing out on more clicks.

2. Neglecting Technical SEO

Technical SEO is a little more complicated. However, neglecting technical SEO means that you’re not communicating with search engines in their language. Even just by adding meta titles and descriptions to your Shopify web pages, you’ll improve your technical SEO.

3. Skipping Alt Text for Images

Alt text serves two important purposes: it tells search engines what your images are depicting and it makes your website more accessible to users with visual impairments. Shopify makes it easy to add alt text to any image you upload, whether it’s a product or a header on a blog post. Add alt text to all of your images and get specific so that search engines have yet another way to understand what your web page is all about.

4. Skipping Blog Posts

Speaking of blog posts, are you creating them? If you want to learn how to improve Shopify SEO quickly, it’s time to start blogging about topics that are relevant to your niche. Not only does this demonstrate your expertise but it also provides more opportunities to use high-ranking keywords that will drive more organic traffic to your Shopify website.

5. Not Collecting Customer Reviews

If your Shopify website isn’t getting any reviews, it’s time to start encouraging satisfied customers to leave them. Reviews help potential customers to make informed decisions. They also give search engines more content to crawl to make sense of your Shopify website and boost your search engine rank.

Don’t Make These Shopify SEO Mistakes

If you’re not sure how to navigate Shopify SEO, consider partnering up with Shopify SEO services. Yes, Shopify provides plenty of helpful tools to build a strong online store, but without Shopify SEO, you’re missing out on a lot of organic traffic.

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Looking for more tools and tricks that will boost your Shopify website? Take a look around as we cover more important web-building ground.

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